COVID-19 Latin America

COVID-19 and its impact on Latin America: challenge and opportunity

Energy producers, mining, airlines and consumer companies make up the riskiest group of companies in Latin America, amid the growing threat of the Covid-19 and a crude oil price war. Indeed, fears over…

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Luckin Coffee

China’s Luckin Coffee slumps on ‘fake’ data news

Shares in Luckin Coffee have slumped after the company said one of its top executives and other employees had faked sales figures. The Chinese coffee chain has now suspended its chief operating officer…

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Gold faces unique pricing, supply and delivery challenges amid COVID-19 shutdowns

Gold faces unique pricing, supply and delivery challenges amid COVID-19 shutdowns

Unusual wide spread between Comex and London Bullion shows up amid COVID-19 Shutdowns London-COMEX Spread Hit $100 on March 24th An unusually wide spread between gold prices for Comex futures and the London…

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uropean Central Bank US central bank

ECB takes quantitative easing actions to fight the coronavirus crash

European Central Bank throws 750 billion euros at the economy The European Central Bank on Wednesday announced a huge new money-printing program. This is aimed at keeping the region’s financial system functioning and…

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COVID-19 and its impact on business

Obviously, the epidemic had a great impact on China’s tourism, catering, film, education and other industries. However, we are still optimistic that China’s overall consumer market will also have a “retaliatory” growth after the epidemic is gradually controlled.

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E. J. McKay CEO believes it is a right time to invest in China

Dalian Summer Davos. Dalian, China. July 1-3, 2019, E. J. McKay CEO believes it is a right time to invest in China, especially in the area of consumption upgrades and technologies. Discussing with…

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