Winter Olympics’ legacy: Booming interest for ice and snow sports

In the countdown to the February start of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, ice and snow tourism has picked up among Chinese consumers. Continuing To Drive Tourism The Games are also expected…

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Christmas 2021: 3 key consumer behaviours set to shape the season

Will Christmas come early? What will holiday celebrations look like in 2021? Will consumers revenge spend or be frugal? How will they shop and what will they buy? We answer all these questions and…

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HK citizens submit health code registration, paving way for border reopening between mainland and HK

More than 83,000 people have submitted applications for the Hong Kong Health Code in the first few hours of registration on Friday, delivering hope for cross-border commuters and businesspeople who are waiting for…

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Powell to tell Senate omicron variant poses downside risk to economy, complicates inflation picture

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell believes that the omicron variant of Covid-19 and a recent uptick in coronavirus cases pose a threat to the U.S. economy and muddle an already-uncertain inflation outlook. A Threat “The…

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